Learn about US REIGN Fund and how it Operates..
Real estate funds like the US REIGN FUND (URF) invest in multiple properties, and thus are different from syndications that invest in a single deal or property. Investing in a diversified portfolio of properties across different markets and asset classes, lowers overall risk by providing an internal hedge. This is missing in single deal/property/asset Syndicate investments.
URF’s competitive advantage emanates from its proprietary & innovative next-gen operations platform “REIGN Growth Engine”, that leverages modern technology, advanced data modeling, automated process and cohesive ecosystem of operating components.
URF's multi-horizon propulsion strategy is to grow by rotating capital every 5-7 years while following a four-stage life-cycle for underlying assets. This strategy enables continuous uplift in the value chain while offering flexible exits points for liquidation of full or partial holdings.
URF is focused on the right strategic investments in order to generate high-yield passive income along with long-term growth. Thus the fund does not have a restriction on the number of investment properties. URF’s portfolio gets re-balanced automatically by following a 5-7 years four-stage life-cycle for each underlying asset/property.
To invest in US REIGN FUND, you need to become a “Member” of US REIGN Fund LLC - A Delaware Limited Liability Company
The company is inviting Investors to become Members by purchasing “Membership Units” of Class A and/or Class B with a minimum investment of $25,000 per pack of 250 units
The capital raised by selling “Membership Units” will be used to Acquire and Elevate the targeted assets (multi-family apartments)
Summary of the Offering
Three investment options:
Class A, Class B, or a combination with minimum accredited investment of $25,000
Class A offers steady high yield cash flow income without any benefits of capital appreciation. It is targeted for investors who prefer current cash flow with lower risk. Class A investment is for relatively shorter duration (2 Years).
Class B offers a blended mix of income and capital appreciation. It is targeted for investors who prefer maximizing returns over the life of the investment.
Class A Envisioned ROI:
Class B Envisioned ROI:
Class A members
Class B Members
Limited time offer through Dec 31 2023
The process to register for the fund is managed through the REIGN Investor Portal https://investor.usreign.com/login . Please log in to the portal or create an account if you are a new investor with us. Follow the prompts to fill in your investment information and electronically sign documents, upload your accredited status (guidelines are in the portal) and follow the instructions to wire the money. Upon verification, and receipt of the payment, your membership will be confirmed.
Minimum Investment amount is $25,000
Class A:
Class B:
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